
¿Eres mayor de edad?

Para poder acceder a este sitio debes tener la edad legal para consumir alcohol en tu país.


¿Are you over 18?

You need to be of legal drinking age in your country.

We were baptized with and married to mezcal,
and we will be buried with it.

A quality beverage

In our community, San Luis Amatlán, Oaxaca, mezcal is the most essential element in our daily life. It is our customs, traditions and mezcal which make up our identity. We believe a great mezcal originates in the soil; the same hands that harvest the maguey, distill and bottle the mezcal guarantee its authenticity and purity.

Botella de Mezcal Tres Tiempos
Botella de Mezcal Tres Tiempos

Our production is rich in wild, semi-cultivated, and organic agaves which are grown in benign systems. We produce reduced batches from 100 to 300 liters three times a year. We never hurry; we allow nature to set every stage of the process to guarantee authentic aromas and flavors, which distinguishes an exceptional mezcal.

Oaxaca produces prodigious heroes, poets and mezcal.

Our mezcals

Mezcal Bicuixe
Guardián silvestre
Mezcal Ensamble
Tradición ancestral
Mezcal Tepeztate
Misterio de las montañas
Botella de Mezcal Tres Tiempos

Our mission

We fight to preserve our cultural legacy and deliver authentic mezcal. Our ancestral recipe has been passed down for five generations in our village. We seek to contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment through responsible and sustainable practices. We promote the acknowledgement and appreciation of our culture through enriching learning experiences where all the voices are heard, and all the stories are told.

Hombre cortando pencas de maguey

Five generations,
three stages, one mezcal.