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This mezcal is made with semi cultivated wild agave, which for several generations, has been used by our village to create boundaries and fences to divide the land among neighbors in order to provide protection. Its name comes from this ancestral mission.
Its maturity time is from 9 to 12 years.
México | Estados Unidos
This mezcal has a crystal color, with abundant medium size pearls that do not last very long. It has a pleasant moderate aroma with deep notes of spices, like clover. When in the glass, its aroma takes us to wet soil; when in the hand, we perceive herbs. Its flavor is characterized for being slightly salty with a medium acid level, and a herbal taste. Also, the sensation to the palate is spicy and refreshing with a strong residual alcoholic flavor, but without being harsh.
Bicuixe silvestre (Karwinskii)
1500 sea level
earthen conic
wooden mallet
native yeast
Copper distiller with refresher
This mezcal has a crystal color, with abundant medium size pearls that do not last very long. It has a pleasant moderate aroma with deep notes of spices, like clover. When in the glass, its aroma takes us to wet soil; when in the hand, we perceive herbs. Its flavor is characterized for being slightly salty with a medium acid level, and a herbal taste. Also, the sensation to the palate is spicy and refreshing with a strong residual alcoholic flavor, but without being harsh.
Bicuixe silvestre (Karwinskii)
1500 sea level
earthen conic
wooden mallet
native yeast
Copper distiller with refresher
Mexico | United States