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Ancestral tradition


As part of its history and tradition, our family has consumed and elaborated special blends. This mezcal is produced by mixing different agave species from the cooking process in order to balance its complex aromas and flavors. It is important to stress that in each blend, the quantities and species are different from previous ones. So, each lot is unique and irrepetible.

Available in

México and the United States

Ancestral tradition

As part of its history and tradition, our family has consumed and elaborated special blends. This mezcal is produced by mixing different agave species from the cooking process in order to balance its complex aromas and flavors. It is important to stress that in each blend, the quantities and species are different from previous ones. So, each lot is unique and irrepetible.

Our blend has a crystal hue. It has the characteristic of being deeply aromatic with fruit, flowers and spices when in the cup; and in the hand, it turns slightly perfumed, earthy and mineral. Its unique flavor has all the notes of spices and earth, as well as soft sweet notes. This blend has the quality of being slightly sweet and salty at the end. It has medium non-aggressive acidity, and the sensation it produces in the palate, offers a refreshing and spicy balance.

  • Bicuixe (Karwinskii)
  • Tepeztate (Marmorata)
  • Madrecuixe (Karwinskii)
  • Espadín (Angustifolia)
  • Cucharillo (Dasylirion)
  • Tobala (Potaturum)
  • Coyote (karwinskii)
  • (These names are in local jargon)
Village altitude

1500 sea level



Type of oven:

earthen conic


wooden mallet


native yeast

Origin of water:



Copper distiller with refresher

Available in

México and the United States